Thursday, January 6, 2011

Motivating day to day

This is a common question. You've made the resolution to workout regularly, but when it comes to that day, you can't seem to get around to your workout. Everyone struggles with finding the motivation to workout, even those of us who look forward to it every day! So what gets you to workout? Are you a social person who will do it if a friend is depending on you? Then get a workout buddy. I personally use working out as a chance to think through my day and plan out what I want to do and once I have started my workout the trick is getting me to stop! The trick to finding your motivation is to find your own. Find the time that works for you to workout and a place to workout that doesn't cow you or make you uncomfortable. Another part to making working out a motivation in itself is to find a workout that inspires you to do it every day. There are so many choices out there of workouts to do that there is bound to be one that inspires you. you have choices including, but not limited to, lifting weights at the gym, running or walking on a treadmill, bodyweight exercises, pilates, yoga, dance, martial arts, sports (like soccer, football, basketball, squash, you name it!) and workout videos that you do from home. There are so many resources available to people who want to get in shape, and many of them are free or inexpensive, so take advantage!

Some places to look for your motivation (that have helped me find mine): (you all know how much I talk about this website!) (a great source for streaming workout videos with lots of great trainers to pick from) (the magazine - great workouts and lots of other fun things to look at)
rodney yee yoga products (videos, books, classes, and website)
the fitness video section of your favorite bookstore
Library books and videos

i know i'm missing some, so let me know what inspires (inspired) you!

and for your diet questions, check out my friend Maggie's Blog: Food Moment


  1. The #1 thing that motivates me to workout is the feeling that it gives me after I'm done. I feel energized right after and at the end of the day I have this amazing feeling of soreness ( the good kind) and of feeling tired and ready for bed. I did a vigirous workout yesterday and by the time I got to bed it felt like heaven, I was asleep within minutes. I crave that feeling! I always sleep well on days that I workout.
    #2 motivator for me is the results! Who doesn't want a nice body? Once I start seeing a bit of a result, I get double motivated. I want to push harder and see more results.
    #3 motivator: spring time. I like to be able to put a dress on and feel sexy!! That itself can be a huge motivator for me. :)

  2. Hey guys, check this out:

    awesome advice from my friend maggie!
