Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What I love about being Pregnant

This post isn't strictly fitness, but it's related enough to post here! :)

Things I've found I love about being pregnant:

1) I have a newly found and totally awesome love for my body.
2) I'm excited to put on weight (though, I've always had a little trouble putting on weight, I was never particularly excited when I did - now I am!)
3) I feel WAY more connected with my body in some ways because every feeling seems exaggerated.
4) I appreciate food more. In a very real sense I feel like food is now an amazing fuel, not just something that I eat and gorge on because I love the flavors. I'm super conscious now of what i'm putting in my body and how it will affect the baby!
5) I appreciate yoga so much more. I've always loved yoga, but since I've gotten pregnant, it's pretty much all I want to do! LOVE the way yoga-especially prenatal - makes me feel!

I'm sure there will be more as things get really awesome around here (Can't wait to feel the baby getting it's exercise on), but for now, this kind of does it!

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