Thursday, December 1, 2011

A new twist

So, Its been a while (again!), but this time for a very very good reason! Hubby and I are expecting! It's been a little bit of a rough ride so far, so my workouts have gone by the wayside for the moment, but things are getting better and I'm working my way back to working out. The biggest thing with pregnancy is changing your workout to adjust to body changes. I'm only 12 weeks and I already have a belly going, but have only gained 1lb, so the my body shape and balance has changed. Our little munchkin is about 2-3 inches now and boy does he wear me out! The Fatigue (it's extreme, you never realize how much until you're there) has also slowed my interested in working out. Lately, my workout has mostly been walking, lots of walking!
I've also felt sore like I've been working out regularly, particularly my abs - go go muscle stretching!

here is me in July/August - before

here I am at 11 weeks and 5 days! Teeny-tiny bump replacing my flat tummy!

So, now my family knows, and I've made my blogging announcement this blog will (hopefully) share my workout adventures as a cute, roly-poly pregnant woman!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my God!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I wish I had been skinny like you before I had my baby.
