Thursday, April 7, 2011

Married! and some weight gain/loss observations

So. I'm married now, and that's a LOT off my plate! :-P There were a couple interesting things I've noticed that I thought would be interesting to start a discussion about.
The first is that a lot of brides either lose a lot of weight during the wedding planning process or gain some. I definitely lost some - mostly from stress... tiny bit of loss of appetite. I wasn't working out any more - definitely was working out less, so I was wondering how many brides out there experienced either weight gain or loss during their wedding planning.

The second thing I've noticed is that after the wedding, a lot of married couples tend to put on weight. This one I'm curious about. It seems almost like the freshman 15. New surroundings, the wife feels like she should be cooking all the time so is creating home cooked foods more often. Or maybe, as a counter to the stress, the couple eats out more. OR perhaps, the bride in particular, has changed her metabolic patterns by not eating as much during the wedding planning and then goes back to eating like normal and puts on weight because the metabolism is not functioning like it was before she started eating less.

These could both be contributed to exercise too! Maybe before the wedding the bride and groom are working out hard to look their best for the wedding and then afterwards they stop working out because they no longer have something to work out for.

What are your thoughts? I'm interested what you think about this!

Katie O.



